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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Can't we all just get along?

Animals communicate directly and do not leave anything for the imagination like humans, that's why I love nature. No second guessing. While maintaining a wetland, I stepped into this crab's territory, and he let me know it.  As far as he was concerned, I didn't belong. He gave me 'the claw', which I totally understood, and left. His boundaries were clearly outlined. I respected that.

Sometime boundaries are easily defined, and other times we move and redefine the lines to adapt to the environment. 

Often times we don't realize just how interdependent our environment is, or how one small disruption in the system can affect everybody.

The most successful systems have learned to adapt as the environment changes.

Using aquatic plants to improve water quality benefits the environment because it uses existing natural resources and provides habitat to numerous species, benefiting all. Nature is perfect like that.

Whether flying the coop, or outstanding in the field, animals have learned how to just 'be'.

A simple concept that we should practice more often to get some peace. 
It seems to work for the animals and it reminds me that watching nature over the years has taught me a lot about life.

It's important to take the time to just 'be' (the bee). 
Be respectful of others, but don't take any crap and stand your ground (the crab). 
If anything gets to be too much, go above and look at the big picture (the hawk).
Be clever and resourceful (the tortoise).

Leave the earth a better place because you were here (Fleurs di lis).


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